It's winter. Blah. The snow has been piling up the last couple of weeks and although it's pretty to look at, I'm waiting impatiently for warmer weather. My in-laws and neighbour, both had the right idea. Mexico. I would have loved to be where it's sunny and warm. Just the thought of a double digit forecast above 0 makes me smile. Oh, well. For now I'll just have to keep the toques and gloves at hand.
On a happier note, Pauly's night wakings have become almost non-existant. After trying everything else, I broke down and tried the Ferber method...sort of. After our night time routine, Pauly usually falls asleep at the breast or sometimes with a bottle. And he always wakes up a little when I put him in his crib but he never had a problem falling asleep. He just didn't want to say sleeping. Well after a rather cranky and frustrating day, and weeks of being sleep deprived, I through in the towel. The fist time he woke up that night, I let him cry for about 2 minutes. Then I put the pacifier back in his mouth and patted him bum until he got quiet again. About 2 minutes after I left his room he started crying again. This time I left him for 5 minutes. Then 10 minutes. At 15 minutes his crying wasn't continuous anymore. He would cry for 5 minutes and then be quiet for 1 or 2 minutes. After 20 minutes of this, he was asleep. And he stayed sleeping for the rest of the night!! The next 4 or 5 days were like heaven to me. Pauly slept all night and I rested peacefully. Then, like everything else, he decides to switch things around. Not for the worse though.
As of today, Pauly sleeps about 10.5 hours a night and wakes up once but rarely twice a night. I let him cry and fuss for about 5-10 minutes and without intervention, he is sleeping again. His daytime routine hasn't changed either. He still clings to me like glue...until daddy wakes up.
Blueberry Overnight Oats
3 days ago
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